The Artist

Monica Mezzatestta


After more than thirty years of ceramist as well as teacher at the art school of the local district of Lanús and years of study of oriental painting with excelent teachers, Monica Mabel Mezzatestta developed and worked on her technique into the ceramic mural with a more than successful result, learning that in the cold of the ceramic it could still hold the beauty and warm of any other painting. The spectator can feel the pleasure and depth that the painting has, this is the feeling our artist wants to transmit and thats why she works with the murals from the paste, going thru all the stages of development reaching to the very end.

This are some of the places where the art has been shown:

  • Museo Social Argentino
  • Centro de exp. Antigua casa de la moneda
  • Jardin Japones
  • Centro cultural Ricardo Rojas
  • Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales
  • Centro Cultural Recoleta
  • Monumento placas de artistas P. Libres Corrientes
  • Casa de Tierra del fuego, entre otros.
  • Museo de cerámica L'Alcora. Valencia, España.

Latest mentions: :

  • Medalla a la "Labor Docente"


  • Aporte a la Cultura
  • Representante de la Cultura Japonesa.
  • Promoción de la Cultura
  • "Mujer innovadora" otorgado por. H. Senado de la Provincia de Bs.As.